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How to Upgrade WordPress Without Trouble?

For someone like Matteo Di Capua, a WordPress upgrade may be an easy process. But, for many, it goes weird. Either the upgrade process stalls or the site starts behaving differently after the upgrade. So, what can you do to avoid any frustration during the process?

Step 1: Take the latest backup of all the files and the database.

Step 2: Verify the backup

WordPress codex clearly states that “Verifing the backup” is “the most important step in the upgrade process”. Let me quote more on it from the same page in codex…

The verification process involves making sure you can see the backup files on your local computer (or wherever you’ve stored them) and that you can navigate into any sub-folders. If the files are in a zip file, make sure you can open the zip file. Also consider opening a .sql file in an editor to see if the tables and data are represented.

But, there is more to it!

Step 3: Install your site’s backup locally

You can set up the site in question on your local computer. Whether you are on Mac, Linux or Windows, there are plenty of ways to install WordPress locally (and get help).

Step 4: Upgrade your site locally

Here you’ll know, if it succeeds. You may also want to make sure the front end works as expected.

Step 5: You know what it is. Don’t you?

PS: If you have trouble upgrading WordPress 3.3, check out this troubleshooting guide.

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