Tiny WordPress Insights

WordPress Multi-site To Standlone Installation

Did you install WordPress as a multi-site by default using Softaculous? Here is the way to change WordPress into single site.

On your wp-config.php file, in the following code…

define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true);

Change true to false or just remove this entire line. For more information on WP multi-site and to get started with it (if you wish), check out the official documentation on how to create a network of blogs.

Some background

I love WordPress, the best tool for blogging (IMO), even though some consider and use it as a CMS. I had multiple blogs in the past, for the past 4 years, but never had maintained them for more than a year. :) I still own multiple domains, such as “tinywp.com” (COM version of this domain), “pothi.info”, “elegantblogs.com” and “elegantblogs.net”. For the records, I owned the following domains in the past…

This blog is another venture into blogging. Let me see how long it goes. I just wanted to start off blogging with this post. So, here is a tiny tip. I hope this helps someone! We never know. :)


WordPress itself is a complex piece of tool for blogging, IMHO. I wish it is more simpler than what it is now. WordPress multi-site is a beast, especially on a shared host. Softaculous seemed to have installed multi-site platform, by default, as per the IRC chat with one who experienced this. I provided the above solution and wanted to share it with others. So, here it is. My first post in this blog!

Happy Blogging. :)

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