Tiny WordPress Insights

Project: WordPress in a (LEMP) box!

There are plenty of scripts in the internet, some of them even open source, that helps us to install WordPress automatically in a (single) server. Bitnami is the most popular among them. However, none of them met my requirements. I have some design considerations, security requirements and performance checklists. Since none of the existing tools met all my principles, I started developing my own tool to set up a (single) WordPress site in a (tiny) server.

Here are my goals in mind when developing such a tool…

Generic Goals

Performance Checklist

Security Considerations

Implementation Details

Web Interface


As you may have guessed, there is a huge work involved. Fortunately, I have started going in the right direction due to somewhat clear goals to back me up.

Please check it out in its Github repo… https://github.com/pothi/wp-in-a-box

What’s developed so far is enough for my current needs. I wouldn’t want to spend too much time on this project, if there are no takers. So, I am awaiting some feedback from early adopters. If you are one of them, please comment here on what you think of its various goals. You may also give a thumbs up by staring it in Github. If you used it and if you notice any issue/s, please feel free to open an issue in Github. All feedback is welcomed!

A huge thanks for Mail-In-A-Box for the inspiration!

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